Electrical Panel Maintenance Poses Danger

Electrical panels and other internal components have posed a high danger risk to utility workers tasked with monitoring and maintenance. Typically, a worker is required to wear heavy arc protective gear and run the risk of being exposed to high voltage electricity or arc flashes. This hazardous job can be made exponentially safer using thermal cameras and remote software.

The TC-90 Card Camera Revolutionizes Electrical Safety

The TC-90 is a small, bi-spectral card camera that allows us to see within small electrical cabinets and other small spaces, thermally. Our software allows you to enable alerts and observe these dangerous small spaces in real-time, remotely, while ensuring that the equipment is functioning properly. This is key to preventing problems before they occur and avoiding failures or arc flashes. The feed from the cameras can be streamed onto a phone or laptop - anything with internet access. This ability to monitor remotely minimizes the danger of human harm by completely removing their need to be physically near the panels or equipment.

How Thermal and Acoustic Imaging Can Help

The thermal module within our cameras contain 327,000 pixel sheets that gauge and analyze data to provide temperature readings. These detailed images and videos streaming in real-time allow for monitoring all your critical points of interest using existing methodology. Our thermal cameras provide alarming based on temperature thresholds, temperature differences and rapid temperature changes.

Discharge detection is key in monitoring high voltage electrical equipment. Using handheld acoustic imaging cameras to monitor sound wave signals, discharge sources can be identified and located before they become a problem.

Not only does thermal imaging ensure consistent and safe operation of equipment and prevent electrical faults, but use of remote software also cuts down on labor costs and provides immense safety improvements for utility workers.

TC-90 Cabinet Software Screenshot
Left: A Sytis TC-90™ Card Camera magnetically attached to a wind turbine nacelle panel door and running over POE.
Right: Screenshot of 24/7 thermal monitoring livestream with a side-by-side comparison from Styis' TC-90™ bi-spectral camera (Note: the thermal images have been rotated 90 degrees). 
Internal View Anomaly Identified
Left: Internal view of a converter cabinet with 3 preset temperature boxes. Through Sytis' Infraspec™ software and a Sytis TC-90™ Card Camera, we warn you of anomalies before a fire or arc flash occurrence.
Right: New anomaly identified through use of the Sytis TC-90™ software: 20°C temperature differential.(Note: the thermal images have been rotated 90 degrees). 



Improve Safety:reduces arc or electric al flashing related injuries.

24/7 Monitoring: automatic alerting based on temperature thresholds, temperature differences and rapid temperature changes identify issues in real-time.

Remote Software:License free software provides live, remote streaming with 24/4 alerts offsite.

Practical Designs: wide angle lenses in a compact design or lightweight, handheld devices.


We are harnessing the power of thermal and acoustic imaging to revolutionize high voltage electrical monitoring and maintenance. Between the cameras and the remote software available, utility workers can see inside electrical panels in real-time, detect problems early on, and prevent failures. This not only saves on labor and other costs relating to repairing a problem, but it means that utility workers avoid the danger of arc and electrical flash injuries.